A roped-in volunteer

Saturday, June 22, 2019

I decided that the yard couldn’t wait any longer for my hip/leg to stop hurting so I got back to it today. I didn’t do much; I set the sprinkler up in a couple of spots and gave the front yard a good soak. I know that it will help the weeds more than it will the plants but I’ll get back to weeding soon.

You know the weeds are out of control when you have to weed the pots on the deck. I have two very persistent types of weeds that love my pots; I’m not sure what they are but I got rid of them today. They’ll probably be back in a day or two though.

Pat is in charge of the Beer & Wine Garden at PRISMA on the Beach tonight. It is a fundraiser for the Hospice Society; it is the first time there has been a beer garden at the event and I hope it does well. Pat has put in a lot of work to make it happen.

I’ll be found at the exit gate making sure no one takes their drinks outside of the enclosure. I’ll also be rinsing cups and getting them ready to recycle. I could have had a more interesting job had I signed up for my Serving It Right licence but I chose something I was sure I could handle. I’m not on the Hospice Board, I’m not a member of Hospice, but I’ll be there working as opposed to listening to the performances and having a cool drink!