Friday, June 21, 2019
There was no sewing done yesterday at the session; Gail purchased nine totes of fabric from someone who was clearing out his wife’s stash. She had planned to have it all put away before we arrived but she was only into her second tote so there was no room for machines. We spent the afternoon going through the fabrics and, as we looked at them, Gail managed to do a bit of sorting. I don’t envy her that job, although I am a little envious of her purchases.
Last night was the Guild’s wind-up pot luck. Deloise’s Watermelon Salad was well received and I only had a small bowl left at the end of the night. Our Secret Pals were revealed; there were two people I thought might be my pal and I was right about one of them. As it turned out I was sitting at the table with both of the possibilities.
I had to stop at the Hall this morning so I combined that stop with a few errands. First the Hall, then the bank, then Staples and then Walmart. I had a few photos that I needed to print before sending Caye’s package off to her.
There were a few problems with the photo machine I was working on but the clerk was very helpful and they all turned out well. Then I was off to the newspaper office to pick up tickets and money for the show at the Hall this weekend.
While I was driving to the newspaper my phone started to ring; I’m still not entirely sure about this cell phone but it has been handy a few times and I’m learning to carry it with me. I didn’t answer it (of course) but it rang again. When I got to the parking lot at the newspaper it said there was an urgent voice mail.
Try as I might I had no idea how to retrieve a voice mail and I was worried that something had gone wrong at the Hall (today was the wedding). I finished up as quickly as I could at the newspaper office and headed home.
My call was from Pat saying that I had left my envelope from Stapes at the photo counter in Walmart. So back I went to retrieve my printing. I’m thinking me and Walmart just aren’t a good match – even if the last few times the issue has been totally mine.
I cleared off one surface in the sewing room this morning; I have some major rearranging in mind but one thing always leads to another. I’m hoping by the time I get the furniture moved around everything will be tidy (dream on!).
I think there is enough time left this afternoon to tackle my cutting table. Everything that needs a home always ends up there and, with my new configuration, I hope to put an end to that.