Sunday, May 19, 2019
I haven’t actually been at the Hall all day but it certainly feels like it.
I did some cleaning this morning before a noon meeting with a couple of other Board members. One of our Board has some health issues and we were sorting out how (and who) things would work in the time between now and our first full meeting with our new Board at the end of June. We worked out a few things and planned another session for tomorrow morning.
On my way home I stopped at the nursery and picked up a few flowers to plant on the front deck. Everyone at the Guild workshop were talking gardens so I guess I felt left out not planting this weekend. I got some marigolds and coleus planted as well as transplanting a plant we’ve had on the deck since last fall. There are still a few petunias and geraniums left and I’ll get to them tomorrow.
I was back at the Hall for a 4:30 opening. I arrived ten minutes early and the performers were just starting to unload their gear onto the deck. I’ll go back tonight for the show; I have to close after the event so I may as well attend it.