Tuesday, May 7, 2019
I was at my computer by 6:30 this morning trying to catch up on some paperwork. I managed to clear a few things off my desktop but it is going to take a lot of early mornings if I’m to get caught up anytime soon.
I decided to skip the Guild bee today; as Pat put it yesterday I have only one sewing task until it is done. So I’ve spent a good part of the day doing just that.
I took a short break this afternoon to get some photos at the Guild bee. I had a deposit to pick up at the Hall and a bank deposit to make. I had a book to return to the library; I couldn’t help checking the shelves for a book by another author I’ve had recommended to me. That as well as the book I placed on hold this morning will keep me reading for the rest of the month.
As soon as I get some laundry off the line and out of the drier I’ll get back to that sewing project.