Wednesday, May 1, 2019
My alarm went off at six but I persuaded myself to stay in bed until I woke again at seven. I had a lot to do today but I didn’t actually have to go anywhere so I thought I’d take advantage of that extra hour.
My first task for the day was to get outside and do some yard work. I cleaned up one side of the patio – it was overgrown with weeds sprouting out of the spaces between the bricks. While I was at it I cleaned out a couple of containers. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go out and get a couple of geraniums to stick in those pots. Our snap dragons are heading into their third year but I can see buds coming on them so I won’t disturb them.
My “D” bed (daisies and dahlias) needed some cleaning out and I got that done. The daisies overgrow everything and that is fine with me – they choke out the weeks. The dahlias show no sign of sprouting yet, but it is early.
I did a bit of easy weeding (mostly bindweed) in another section of the yard but I was getting tired and I still had to deal with the grass. I got our lawn (and I use the word loosely as the clover and other weeds are quite prevalent) cut and I hauled the mower out to the boulevard. There are some nice, tiny purple flowers growing out there; they are very close to the ground and most of them survived the mower. There are also a lot of California Poppies and Alyssum growing so cutting just the grass is a bit complicated.
By the time that was done I was done. This afternoon I got some work done for tomorrow. I’m doing some set-up for a Guild display in the morning and I needed to some printing. I’ve got cutting done for sewing tomorrow afternoon and I finished my reports for tomorrow night’s Guild meeting.
I should have been quilting but I decided to cut out the pieces from the project I worked on at retreat. It wasn’t all that difficult to cut but I’m still glad I didn’t attempt it with a crowd around.
Now, in order to avoid that quilting even longer, I think I’ll work on the minutes from our Board meeting.