Thursday, April 25, 2019
I was awake at five and while I tried desperately to get back to sleep for that hour before my alarm went off I had no luck. On a positive note though I realized during that time that one of our Hall renters needed to pay me rent. I only collect from them a few times a year but April 30 is our year-end and I thought it was important to collect from them before then. I waited until 7:30 to phone (she doesn’t have e-mail); when we meet it is always by 8:30 at the Hall so I was sure she’d be awake. I drove to the Hall, had a little chat, collected my money, and was home before nine.
There were still a few items on my reminder list so I caught up on what I could and made progress on a few other things. I managed to get my sewing machine cleaned and oiled before lunch – in preparation for the retreat tomorrow.
We started a new project at sewing this afternoon. Nothing yet to show for it and I don’t even have enough done for me to see how it will look. I need to cut a bit more fabric but except for those pieces I left it all at Gail’s. It is so nice to leave everything in her studio from week to week.
I have some big decisions to make tonight. I have to pack for the weekend – clothes aren’t an issue (as in I don’t need many not that we are going without), and food, except for lunch tomorrow, is prepared for us.
My big decision is which of my projects will I take. My pile has been growing for the last month and I know I won’t have time for all of them. Deciding what will stay and what will go isn’t going to be easy – because I want to do them all!