Monday, April 22, 2019
I spent all morning at the computer working on Pat’s accounts, paying some of my own bills, and working on some Cranberry Hall business. I thought it would be a quick finish to get the Hall’s tax exemption application filled in but, since last year, the form has changed considerably and requires a lot more information. The good news is that a lot of the information I gathered was needed for our AGM next month so can I say I’m a little ahead? I could say it but I know it isn’t so.
I put the final border on my Rail Fence quilt top; I was tired of working on it and had such a little bit of work left to do I wanted it out of the way. I’ve even managed a little bit of tidying up; plenty more to go but at least I can see the top of my cutting board.
I’ll do a bit more tidying and then get my gear ready for the bee tomorrow.