Happy Easter

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The weather didn’t cooperate for me today so I didn’t get my quilt sandwiched. I spent the morning working on my Rail Fence quilt and it’s ready for the final border.

I was feeling guilty about the yard work so I went out and cut the grass. If I didn’t get at it (and if it rains) we might need a goat to take care of it. As I was mowing I could see all the weeds coming up in the beds – from the deck of the house you don’t see them so much. But I feel a little less guilty.

Pat headed over to Texada this morning but I have the fixings for a hot roast beef dinner in the fridge (leftovers from yesterday). And I don’t have to look too far for dessert – hot cross buns and/or Easter eggs (from my Secret Pal).