One a Penny, Two a Penny

Friday, April 18, 2019

I’m usually further ahead on the Easter front than I am this year. I made my Hot Cross Buns this morning and they were done in time for a taste test at lunch – yum!

I’ve been puttering around on my computer for the part of my day that wasn’t spent mixing, or waiting for something to rise, bake or cool. I made a quick trip to the Hall to pick up a deposit and while I was out I dropped off a couple of buns to a friend; when I said yesterday that I was going to make some Gail asked if I’d save her a couple. She thought I’d bring them next Thursday but by then they won’t be as fresh (if there are even any left).

I enjoyed a brief e-mail exchange with a woman in Florida. It was through her blog that I first heard of the I’m a Farmer’s Daughter quilt. I ordered the pattern but wanted to purchase fabric on a trip with Stacia and Deloise so I e-mailed her and she sent me the fabric requirements. We’ve messaged back and forth a few times – me to congratulate her on her finish and to update her on my progress. I sent her a photo of my finished quilt; she’s now working on another Jen Kingwell pattern – Bring Me Flowers.

I spent some time last night working on more of the changes to my Rail Fence quilt. I’m liking the design change and I think I’ll carry on with it until supper.