It was nice to catch up with Mary Flower (one of our performers) and get to know Doug Cox (the other performer). This being the third time Mary has been here, she walked right in and knew where “her” room was. She appreciated the soap and before they left for the ferry this morning they stopped at the shop to buy more. Doug runs the big music festival on the Island and I thought he might have a bit of an ego but he was as nice as could be. Both were very gracious and grateful.
I was out to sewing today. For the last two weeks I’ve been looking at my sewing project on the design wall and decided it just wasn’t working for me. I took off the borders I had around the centre and added a flange on each of the four sides. I re-attached the blocks to the bottom and thought it was improved. Gail liked the results but Jessie gave me an idea of what I might change and I’m going to try it. So much time spent on a scrappy give-away quilt but it needs to look okay to me before I give it to anyone.
Jessie thought we were working on a group project today (we weren’t) and she didn’t have anything to do. She spent some time picking out a quilting pattern for Gail to use on the long arm for the quilt top Jessie finished last week. When she asked if there was anything she could do for me I gave her the three border fabrics I intended to use on my project (a lovely soft orange, an orange floral print, and a darker orange floral); she cut out strips for me so I can make a “real” rail fence.

But next week we are definitely going to start working on a group project. When I walked into the sewing room I saw a pattern on Gail’s table and asked about it. She bought it as a kit and intends to make it as a gift for a grandchild. I thought it would be a perfect way to show off my Limoncello strips. Jessie has just finished her fourth log cabin quilt; they are all going to her nieces and nephews. She has enough fabric left from all of the quilts that she is going to make the quilt for her sister (the Mum) using up the scraps.
When I came home and sat in my chair (okay I sat to play a few rounds of Candy Crush) I saw my library book sitting there. It is due back on Saturday and, although I’m enjoying it, I know it won’t be done by Saturday. I’ve just renewed it for another month – I can enjoy it at my leisure.