A quick turn-around

Sunday, April 14, 2019

It seemed like a short trip to the studio this weekend. We intended to catch the mid-morning ferry on Friday but Pat remembered he had a meeting in the afternoon so we didn’t head across until mid-afternoon. Moreen and I had time for a walk in the morning; we followed a trail that didn’t lead anywhere but we walked more than two miles – it is nice to have my FitBit back again.

I really needed to get some reading done this weekend so just about everything else took a back seat to that. I had the bed linens from our House Concert guest stripped and washed before bedtime on Friday and I worked on a bit of knitting in the evening.

It was close to noon on Saturday before I dug out my cross stitching. I had hoped to have a photo to show but a lot of my time was spent backstitching (which doesn’t really have much to show for the time it takes) and a bit of back tracking. Some of the rows weren’t working out as they should. I’m not certain I have it right yet, but it is better than it was but I haven’t ruled out more backtracking. I took Pat out for an early birthday dinner on Saturday; he has a meeting tomorrow night so he won’t be available.

We came back home on today’s mid-afternoon ferry. We had the studio tidied and the extra bed made (for a Tuesday show) so there wasn’t much point in staying any longer and creating more mess.

I’ll start a new knitting project this evening and get a few more pages of my book finished. It isn’t due until Thursday but I have another one that is due on Saturday. The third one in the pile isn’t due until May.