Thursday, April 11, 2019
Several months ago I found the charge cord for my FitBit – it had been missing for months before that. I charged it up and on our trip to the studio at Christmas I used it when we did one of our hikes.
Once I was home the FitBit ran down again and, when I went to charge it, the charger cord was again missing. I thought maybe I had left it on Texada but Pat checked and didn’t find it. Last weekend when we were there I looked behind my crafting table and found it.
So earlier this week I thought I’d get it charged up and, can you believe it, I couldn’t find the FitBit. I looked in my jewellery box, I looked around my computer desk, I looked in all the drawers I could think that it might possibly be.
Yesterday when I was cleaning up the kitchen counters for the house concert I found it in one of the dishes that we have sitting around meant simply for collecting things – usually Pat’s bits and pieces from his guitars and some of his spare picks. Both pieces are now joined and the FitBit is charging.
Honestly, life should not be this complicated!