Sunday, April 7, 2019
We hurried out the door this morning so we could get the sound equipment set up for tonight’s show. I offered to help Pat get it out to the truck and then said if he wanted to head down to the Hall right away I’d go along and help. I was able to carry quite a bit of stuff in but I’m not sure how much help I was in the actual set up. Once we were done we hurried home so we’d be here for the noon ferry.
Our performers decided not to come until the afternoon ferry so it was like having a free day. I used it by starting to work on a miniature quilt; we got a notice about the Tuesday meeting yesterday and I didn’t have anything prepared or even planned.
I decided I would scale down a pattern Stacia had given me but somehow (not surprising) I did the math wrong. Some of the pieces might have been fixable but I didn’t have enough of one of the fabrics so I scrapped that idea and moved on.
I’ve got lots of patterns stored in my files so I picked one that looked easy. It uses 1.5″ squares which are small to work with but I have a pile of them already cut. It is nice to be able to use up some of these scraps – they are too small to use in a big project although I have done some larger-than-mini projects with them.
We’re invited out for supper after the sound check at the Hall. Until it is time to go I’ll get a few more pages of my book read.