Sunday, March 24, 2019
I’m back to normal – well as normal as I ever get. I still have piles of paper and a number of things on my to-do list but that doesn’t seem to change much from week to week.
Pat and I worked in the yard again this morning. It is so nice to look out the window and see plants greening up rather than dead leaves and stems. Pat says it is an advantage to be colourblind because brown and green look the same to him. There is still lots of weeding to do but I’ll try to be out on a regular basis and, hopefully, keep it up all summer.

I have the beds ready for our performers who arrive tomorrow on the afternoon ferry. Yesterday I bought a pair of queen sheets (I’d been making do with king sheets) and making the bed is so much nicer now.

While I was clearing out the last bin from the quilt show I put my latest two quilts on the beds. I’m liking the way they look.
I’m off now for a showing at the Hall. I’m really enjoying my evening knitting again.