Friday, March 22, 2019
All my days are busy but yesterday I really didn’t have time to post. Pat arrived home on an early ferry so by the time we had coffee and sorted out plans for the week there wasn’t much left of the morning. We drove south of town so I could pick up a second-hand filing cabinet for the Hall; it was a beautiful day for a drive and it was a road we’d not been down before. I managed to start cleaning up on the “other” side of my sewing area before heading to stitching in the afternoon. With my organizing workshop coming up tomorrow maybe I shouldn’t even be attempting to get anything more done. I’d hate to have to start over due to some new knowledge I gain.
Last evening was definitely a first for me – and I think it will be a last. We attended a Whiskey 101 tasting at one of the restaurants (the one who did the cooking class and our Valentine’s dinner). I knew going in that I probably wouldn’t enjoy the Scotch tasting but, again, I knew the food would be good. As we walked home after the event (the responsible thing to do) I said I was going to have to try the Jameson’s again to see if I really do like Irish whiskey better than Scotch whiskey, or maybe now that our Ireland trip is a memory maybe I don’t like either.
Since the snow has been gone, every time I looked out the window I said to myself (and anyone else who cared to listen), I’ll get out in the yard once the quilt show is over. It has been almost a week since the show and I still have a final few tasks to do but I put on my gardening boots for the first time this year and headed out the door.
Pat pruned the grape just before the snow and I hadn’t had a chance to pick up the branches. They all fell outside of the fence so, although I worked for more than two hours, we really don’t see the results. Our neighbours will likely be happy though.
Pat edged the lawn and did the first mowing of the year. The grass was still damp and I’ll need to rake up the trimmings but for now, when I look out the window, I focus on my daffodils blooming and the irises coming up rather than the work that needs to be done.
I’m likely to putter for the rest of the afternoon. I’m not sure I’ll be able to knit tonight because my hands and wrists are feeling all that work.