Monday, March 18, 2019

The show is over but the work isn’t done – at least for me. It took me two car loads to get everything to the Hall on Friday. It was a long day getting everything set up. I had to be there early as I was supplying the coffee and hot water for tea; the tea bags didn’t show up until about 9:30 but the rest was ready by 8:30.

I checked in the Boutique inventory until noon. It is a job I’ve done for the last few shows; I love seeing everything that is going to be up for sale. Sadly I had my eye on a couple of items but by the time I got to the boutique (on Sunday) the things I wanted were gone. Friday afternoon I got my table set up for the door prizes and another area set up for used magazines that the Guild was selling (for next to nothing). I like to be there after the quilts have been hung as I get a good look at them when there are only a few people around.

I sat at the door prize table all day Saturday. There was a nice flow going with the crowd; guests started at the Admission table, were directed to the Door Prize table and then on to the Fat Quarter draw table and finally to the Raffle Prize table. Sunday was pretty much the same routine except I had someone relieve me occasionally so I was able to have lunch and do a bit of shopping. With a draw every hour it kept me busy tracking down winners and recording prizes.

I had my first load of laundry outside on the line by eight this morning and headed out of the house about ten to run numerous errands. I had a door prize to deliver, a wheelchair and walker to return, a book to pick up at the library, bags and bags and bags of magazines to take to the thrift store, and a birthday present to buy. I have one more door prize to deliver this afternoon.

It should come as no surprise that the entire house is a disaster. I wrapped a couple of birthday gifts this afternoon and did a few of the jobs that needed to be done that arose from the show. I still have more of those jobs to do and the paper has piled up for both the Hall and my personal finances.

Once I get my projects packed for the bee tomorrow (and another bag of things that need to be returned to the Church), I’ll get the last door prize delivered.