Friday, March 8, 2019
Thursday morning I continued with my organization and clean-up. I’m not done yet but I’m making progress. In fact I’ve made as much progress as I can until I make a few more storage decisions (I’m thinking a bigger room!).
Thursday afternoon I was sewing with the group. I’m using one of my UFO Challenges as my Thursday project. It was a start I made at the Texada Retreat in November. I had the centre medallion finished but I wasn’t happy with a couple of my points so I pinned it to my design wall. In the past couple of months I’ve looked at it while I’m sitting in the chair and chatting on the phone. Not long ago I realized I had one block turned the wrong way. I got the medallion taken apart and fixed and moved on to the next step of the mystery. It really isn’t a mystery any longer because the final results were released in November. My advantage is I can see all the photos of the finished projects and I can make adjustments if I think they are necessary.
I barely had time to get home and have supper before heading out again for the Guild meetings. These were the last meetings before the show so there were a lot of details that needed to be ironed out. The good news is that I didn’t come home with any additional tasks; the ones I have are going to keep me hopping all next week (along with two House Concerts).
I decided last night that today was going to be a pyjama day but it didn’t turn out that way. Pat went to the studio yesterday but he forgot some of his meds; before I even had the coffee made I saw a message from him asking me to bring his meds to the ferry and purchase a ticket for him so he could make a turn-around trip. So I had to get dressed.

I spent part of my day finishing up a bit of the organization – these are my works-in-progress. It doesn’t look too bad but I doubt I’ll get through them this year.

On the other side of the room are my quilting projects, both large and small, that are waiting for me to get at them. I still have to figure out what I’m going to do with my fabric collections. I don’t have any empty bins and I don’t have room for any more bins so I’m going back to thinking about how I might sort it all out.
This afternoon I finished my four March cards. I’ll be stitching down the bindings this evening.