Monday, March 4, 2019
After Pat had is cataract surgery he knew he would need new glasses. He had been waiting a long time for his eye test due to the issued he had with the second surgery. He had that test last week and priced the cost of glasses in town. Way more money than we expected or wanted to pay.
So today we took the first ferry over to Comox to check out the Optometry department at Costco. He ended up with two pair of glasses (one set of progressives and one set just for the computer) for less than what one pair was going to cost locally.
Of course a trip to the Island isn’t complete without a trip to Costco … and since we were there anyway … we went up and down every aisle. I had five things on my list – so how did we come out with a huge cartload?
I picked up a small jewelry box, we got a toaster, Pat got surge protection and other electronic stuff; we got all kinds of paper products, some canned goods, some canisters.
When we were unloading it all into the truck we were delighted (again) when we got to the bottom of the cart. I had forgotten about the jewelry box and Pat had forgotten about the toaster.
We’ll have to go back again next week to pick up the glasses. Big question is do we take the vehicle (and possibly do another shop at Costco) or just do a walk-on and there will be no shopping involved?