My yearly report

Monday, December 31, 2018

I made some bold resolutions last year concerning what I’d get done in 2018. I managed to move ahead on a few things, but, sadly, I don’t think much has come off the list. What can I say, my life is a work in progress!


  • It really is time to get something done with my boxes and bins of photos. I probably have just as many photos stored digitally too.

I moved all my photo bins out of my sewing room and into the “other” room upstairs. I bought five more photo boxes to aid in my sorting. Was any sorting actually done? No, but I’m ready should the mood strike. I cleaned up a few of my digital photos from my computer but, when I was having some disk issues, most of them were transferred back into my file system.


  • We’ll continue with the House Concerts – three more scheduled for the Spring. We don’t have to make a decision until the summer as to whether or not we will sign up for another year. They are a lot of work but people enjoy the shows and Pat enjoys being involved.

Well this one has been accomplished as we hosted six House Concerts during the year, with three of them happening both in Powell River and on Texada.


  • I‘m already committed to another year with the Guild Library and I can’t seem to get out of writing their blog or monitoring their Facebook page. My time on the Cranberry Hall Board could end in April, but I’m planning to volunteer for another year – I hate to give it up when I kind of know what I’m doing!

Nothing has changed in this category other than I’m now doing three jobs for the Hall – Secretary, Treasurer and Event Booking.


  • My needlework for the next year will likely be finishes rather than starts – although I have lots of starts waiting. I currently have two cross stitches that are in plain sight in the studio on Texada, with another two sitting in one of the cupboards. Dad’s cedar chest is full of UFOs and a few new kits so perhaps I’ll be able to make a dent in some of them.

Although I worked hard, I wasn’t able to get The Princess and the Pea finished this year – next year for sure Kathryn! I stitched three cards and made eight Christmas tags but that’s all. I came up with a plan for identifying my many UFO’s and kits; I’ll stick a recipe card into each bag with the name of who I intended to give it to. Should I not live to be as old as Methuselah someone will know who to pass them on to – I’m giving you fair warning that your name might be attached to one or two of them!


  • I’m going to continue to try and use up my yarn supplies. The Prayer Shawls have been very helpful with this and I’ll continue to knit for the Salvation Army.

I continue to enjoy knitting (and crocheting) in the evenings but it takes a long time to empty a bin. Most of my knitting is donated, unless my grandkids need something. Kathryn and I usually manage a trip to Michaels when we are together and we usually pick up one or two balls of yarn and patterns to go with them. This year I managed two shawls, ten hats, three scarf and hat sets, and an afghan.


  • One of our challenges with the Guild this year was to try to get six UFOs finished – I have four left on my list so maybe I’ll concentrate on getting them done. I was in charge of the member’s challenge this year and I still don’t have my own done. We do a scrap block of the month (which I’ve kept up with) and a row by row of the month (I’m one behind right now and, as of January’s meeting, I’ll be getting two more).

There is always a challenge at the Guild and it is nearly impossible to keep up with it all. I finished my 2018 Member Challenge (which I had to organize). I kept up with the block of the month program up to June; we had a Community Quilt day and stitched all the donated blocks together. I came home with a door prize – which was a flimsy to quilt and bind. That’s done and, since September, I’ve kept up with the new block of the month program.

Books & Movies

  • I don’t know if Goodreads will have their challenge again but I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest I’ll get 35 books read this year. Getting rid of my books continues to be a challenge and one that I don’t have a good solution to (although I think the Texada library will accept books).

Books may be the one thing I excelled at – I read 55 books through the year. I saw 16 movies throughout the year; most of those were through the Film Festival and the Cinematheque series.


  • Although I’ll cut down on the number of cards I make this year I still hope to send some. I’ve started to use some of my other projects as cards (watch January birthday posts to see what I mean) so being more diverse might make it more interesting and less like a “have-to”.

I made 49 cards this year and relied on an online e-card subscription for the rest of my cards.


  • I can’t believe quilting was left off my list last year.

Now that I’ve added up my totals I didn’t do too bad this year. I made one additional Community Quilt of my own choosing, I made two lap quilts, three large quilts, six mini quilts, four table toppers and one bag.