A busy day

Monday, December 17, 2018

I’ve had a busy but productive day. I spent most of the morning getting Pat’s accounting off to the accountant for his GST report. I had three months’ worth of accounting to get done because, until it is time for the December report, they never give back my files from his August year-end. Luckily Pat’s been spending lots of time on Texada (and spending less money) so it didn’t take me all day as I had anticipated.

We had an appointment with our financial managers at lunch time. Rene and Leslie have become friends and we always enjoy our appointments. Particularly if they have good news on our investments to share with us.

I intended to do some shopping after lunch – I made a list of baking I’d like to do and the list of ingredients I’ll need. But we are suffering through another storm today and I just didn’t feel like going out. I have a couple of books due at the library today but I think if I drop them off on my way to quilting tomorrow they won’t know that they weren’t there before midnight.

So I finished a birthday card after lunch – all the way through from quilting to attaching the binding. I wish I could be this far ahead all the time but with the birthday right after New Year’s and fewer business days at the Post Office I need to get it in the mail tomorrow.

I still have a pile of paperwork on my desk so I’ll tackle some more of it now. I’d like to get it low enough that I can see my desk calendar – the page hasn’t been turned since December 6th!