We have our phone back

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Pat came back from Texada this afternoon and spent about an hour on his cell phone with Telus. He was able to get them out this afternoon so our service was restored. I think one or the other of us have been on the phone constantly since then. Why did we want it back so badly?

I did all my cleaning for this weekend’s House Concert this morning – normal day’s work done by noon. I intended to go stitching this afternoon but Pat arrived home about the time I should have been leaving so I decided to stay home instead. I did a bit of sewing this afternoon, but not as much as I would have accomplished had I gone out.

I’m off to a meeting tonight. The 100+ Women Who Care received a matching grant so each recipient for the next four meetings could get $16,000. I want to be sure my vote counts for that kind of money.