Tuesday, August 28, 2018
My back was sore first thing this morning but I wasn’t about to give up my stitching day on account of a little pain – cleaning and yard work maybe, but not stitching. I kept moving through the day, never sitting for more than a half-hour at a time and it has helped. The real test will come tomorrow when I’ll be back to the cleaning and the yard!
After stitching I stopped at Canadian Tire to pick up some mop heads. When my back was sore yesterday I dug out my steam cleaner and was going to do the floors with that. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find the mop heads; somewhere in my memory I think I might have brought them upstairs so I could make a pattern and stitch one or two from old towels. At any rate I managed to get most of the floor done the old fashioned way – on my hands and knees. But I found a couple of mop heads today and, although they don’t say they are for the model I have, I tried them when I got home and they fit. No excuse now I guess not to continue cleaning down the hallway.
I had a book to take back to the Library and, of course, I never seem to leave there empty handed. I’ve enjoyed watching Shetland on Netflix – a second time around because I couldn’t remember anything from any of the two seasons we had watched before. The series is based on books by Anne Cleeves so I went looking for some of her books. They have a lot in the library but there were only two that were available. Sadly they are both new books so I only have a couple of weeks to read them. Another excuse not to be cleaning or doing yard work.
Perhaps there is time before supper to heat up the steam cleaner and see how those mop heads work.