Saturday, August 25, 2018
We woke up to rain this morning – it’s been a long time. I could almost see the grass reaching up to get every last drop. Although it has been cloudy for most of the day I don’t think we got any great amount; as the farmer’s would say we need a two-day soaker!
It’s a good thing I decided not to go to the show at the Hall last night – because the show at the Hall is tonight. Now I have to decide all over again whether or not to go. I’m trying to get another block stitched; I probably won’t get it done in time to head out for the show and I’d really like to get it finished. On the other hand there is a bit of decision-making that needs to be made on a Board matter and since I seem to be the only dissenting voice I don’t want the rest of the Board to think I’m avoiding them. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Remember the 50-50 money I won at the Roots and Blues Festival? I spent some of it today on a new pillow. When Pat and I got the bed for Texada we also bought two pillows that are meant for side sleepers; they have a recessed spot for your shoulder to fit into while your neck stays supported. Mine was even lavender scented. Pat bought one for home but we already had so many pillows I didn’t think I should go out and buy another one.
One day at quilting someone said that pillows should be thrown out after two years; I don’t know who made that rule but I expect it’s true if you use the same pillow every night for two years. So I ordered another lavender-scented pillow for myself for home. I picked it up today (it was on back order) and I have enough of my winnings left to pay my Guild dues for the upcoming year. I’ll make a cover for some of my older pillows and donate them to the SPCA.
Now back to that block and then a decision on the Hall event.