Friday, August 24, 2018
Yesterday we woke up to smoke-free sunshine – the first time in a long time that we were able to see the mountains on Vancouver Island. The temperature is cool and it feels like fall though. I understand that much of our smoke has blown to the east and I guess family and friends are still suffering.
I had my regular stitching date yesterday afternoon; I finished two blocks on my Bloom quilt. I hoped to get a third one done but I realized as I was putting the final seams together that I had done the first step wrong. I couldn’t even rip it out to make it right so I bundled everything up and came home. It was a quick turn-around to get back out the door for my 100+ Women Who Care meeting. This is the first time I’ve struggled with who to vote for; in the end neither of my choices came out the winner!
Having a second clear day was a bonus. This morning, as I stood looking out the patio doors I saw whales out by the ferry dock; we watched them (without the telescope) for about ten minutes before the ferry and boat traffic drove them under. I’m sure these are the same two humpbacks I’ve been seeing when I go back and forth across to Texada.
We were out grocery shopping early and yes, we did purchase enough to qualify for our $20 gift card. I’ve spent time this afternoon stitching a Farmer’s Daughter block together. The smaller centre pieces go together quickly and even the corner pieces aren’t bad. But when I’m putting it all together I find my hands cramp up and I have to sew a little and then take a break. At this rate it is slow going but every stitch counts I guess.
We have a show at the Hall tonight; I checked with the various people and they seem to have everything covered so I’m staying home.