Friday, August 17, 2018
Although I didn’t get to my 4-Seasons Tree (yet) I got one more block done on my Splendid Sampler. The block was released last week and, since I don’t usually do the Splendid Sampler block until Sunday, I’m considering myself up-to-date. Hopefully I will have time on Sunday to get this week’s block done and I can say I’m caught up with a clear conscience.

But today I finished the final two blocks for my Farmer’s Wife Sampler quilt. There is still a lot to do – figuring out what setting I’ll use, adding sashing and borders – but for now I’m going to enjoy the moment. I have it laid out on the floor upstairs and since I haven’t been using that room much since our company left I think I’ll leave it there for a few days. The blocks were placed more or less as they came out of the box so this certainly isn’t my final layout.
Tonight is the Blackberry Street Festival. There are a lot of activities planned with the Blackberry Festival but the only thing we never miss is the street festival. Lots of good desserts – the Townsite Heritage Society makes the best blackberry shortcake – and we’ll browse for our main course – usually from Little Hut Curry – and we have fireworks after dark (that we can see from the deck).