Catching up

Monday, July 30, 2018

It took awhile but I think I’ve returned to “normal” after our flurry of company. It was wonderful to have Elizabeth and Kathryn here and Higgins Inn is a great spot to stay at. Next time I hope we can all stay out there; it is just a short walk to the beach and it is great to have food and washrooms so close. The times for the tide weren’t the best and they only had a few hours of full sandy beach each day. We found out that the phases of the moon make a big difference to the tides so we’ll know to time things a bit better next time.

As soon as our last company left Pat and I headed over to Texada. This past weekend was the Artist’s Studio Tour; although the art was lovely I was more interested in seeing their homes and studios. Pat has been getting together with many of the artists at their monthly meetings; I purchased a few art cards from a couple of spots, as well as picking up a few things as Christmas gifts.

The first night here I was in bed at 7:30, but yesterday I managed to stay up a bit later. We finished off the last few studios on the tour yesterday after dropping in at the Farmer’s Market. Late yesterday afternoon we went to the Legion for their trivia meat draw; neither of us won anything but I was pleased that I was able to answer at least one question correctly!

After supper last night I set the hammock up and stayed outside reading until almost dark. I knew I was caught up on my sleep when I managed to stay awake out there!

We’ll be here for almost two weeks but I’ll head back home at least once to water plants and check on the house. Next weekend is the Roots and Blues Festival and both Pat and I are working at it. The following weekend is the Sand Castle Festival; Pat is working that but I’ll be free to enjoy the sculptures.