Wednesday, July 18, 2018

I’ve been working at it for a few days, but I finally finished cleaning up my sewing areas. I’ve hidden away a few things (Emma doesn’t like dolls in her room) but I’m going to be VERY selective about putting things back in that second room. Every time I clean I am reminded of all the projects I’ve got started and several that need to have a quick finish (like three quilts sandwiched and waiting and another half-dozen waiting to be sandwiched). I wish there was some hope that I could keep it this tidy when I’m working. Aside from my group sewing tomorrow, I don’t expect to be back at my machine for about three weeks so at least I have awhile to enjoy it.

At some point soon I hope to eliminate one of my book cases. I have several quilting magazines that I need to go through, scan the patterns I really want, and then pass the magazines on. As I’ve cleaned I’ve collected a bag of stuff for the thrift shop. I recently read a blog online about seriously going through your projects to see if they still “speak” to you. I know I have several calling from bins that are hidden under a table but I only had two (that were within easy reach) that were shouting to be let loose – an iPad cover and a coiled coaster (or two) to match the coil bowl I made in a Guild class several years ago.
But I started my day in the complaint department. I sent a parcel to Stacia for her birthday in plenty of time for it to arrive before her big day. Because I thought they might be at the lake I paid to have it delivered with a signature. When I checked with Stacia this morning the package was (fortunately) sitting on her step minus any sort of signature. So I called Canada Post to complain. After waiting ten minutes in the queue it took half an hour to lodge my complaint and now it will be up to a week before anyone gets back to me. I questioned why they didn’t ask me for the address the parcel was going to but apparently that is somewhere in the next step. So annoying!
And then Canadian Tire sent me an e-mail asking about my recent experience with a purchase. We ordered a blow up mattress online and said we would pick it up at the store; it was on sale and we didn’t want to miss out on the price. I stopped in after quilting yesterday afternoon and waited and waited and finally gave up. When we went back later in the evening it was all ready and sitting behind the counter. So I let Canadian Tire know I wasn’t pleased.
I’m pretty much ready for company now. I have to do some clean up in the basement but that will go quickly and, with the heat of the day and the coolness of the basement, that is a job I almost look forward to.