Monday, July 9, 2018
I was about to write a post yesterday and thought, “Why bother?”. My posts are being published on my website (not sure yet about the scheduled ones that I write and want posted on a specific date) but the e-mailed posts seem to be going out very sporadic. I’ve made another change today and I’ll see if it works. I plan to move my mail delivery system to another program but finding time to sit down, figure it out, and get it done is the challenge.
I had a massage this morning; my neck is improving but the therapist is moving so today was my last chance for an appointment with her. She gave me a couple of new exercises to do, along with the two from last week, and I’m hopeful that if I do them consistently I won’t have to go back to someone else.
After the massage I had quite a bit of running around to do. First stop was the Kinsmen’s book trailer as I had two boxes of books I was ready to dispose of. The poor woman sorting the books was practically buried but they graciously accepted my donation. Then it was on to the library to drop off a book. A friend was working so we had a little chat before I crossed the street to the post office. From there it was a short trip to the thrift store to drop off a few things, and my final stop was at the bank with a Cranberry Hall deposit.
After lunch I decided I’d do a bit of yard work – perhaps not what my therapist would recommend but it needed to be done. There was a cloud cover and a breeze so it wasn’t too hot. I hadn’t been out for awhile; my main focus today was trimming the grape. It was growing into the apple tree, the maple and two of the bushes we have planted along the fence. Once it was trimmed back a bit I had to bag it all up, which took almost as much time as the trimming. The bindweed, although not too noticeable, is certainly thriving under all the plants so I’ll need to get back out there soon.
Before I went out the door the door this morning I started a load of laundry. I hung it on the line when I came home and managed to get it off the line this afternoon just minutes before it started to rain. We need the rain and I’m hoping it will get it out of its system before our company arrives.