Friday, January 19, 2018
It’s another stormy day here – wind, rain, ferries cancelled. I don’t have an easy way to check on flights in and out of the airport. I haven’t heard any planes all day but they might be taking off and landing from the opposite direction; they usually fly right over the house. Pat is due to arrive home this evening; it might be a rough ride but wind doesn’t usually stop the flights.
I was out and about early this morning. I had to drop off some receipts at the Hall; I expected to do a bit of sweeping up but Friday’s renter had already taken care of it. So I was off very quickly on a few other errands – post office, Canadian Tire, Dollarama and Walmart. I haven’t found any puff paint for the slippers I made so they will go as they are. I may wear them just a bit this afternoon to see how slippery they actually are. I washed the floors today so they will stay clean but that won’t last long.
I finished Messy Bun hat for Taylor last night and sent it off to her today to check the size and the colour. She wanted teal but I think what I ended up with may be more green than she wanted. Lavender was her second choice and I have some of that for the next one. I started to make Twinkle Star baskets last night – the size of these little things break my heart.

I lost my race against time yesterday. My Two Hour Tote ended up taking me about four hours but the prize at the end of it was the same – I have a lovely new tote bag. I made one error but decided I could live with it and there was no way I wanted to start reverse stitching any of that burlap.
If the plane gets in tonight, and if the performers get across on the ferry, we may go out to one of the pubs tonight. A group that played at the Hall last year are back in town. It would be nice to go to a show where I don’t have to run a concession, accommodate any guests, do any cleaning or prepare a bank deposit!