Thursday, December 21, 2017
I just finished the last project that needed to be done before Christmas. I know, you thought I was done a few days ago. I had forgotten that Pat’s accounting had to be sent to the accountant before the end of the month. Since I didn’t get his year-end files back until earlier this month it was a bit of a scramble getting the past three months sorted out and entered into my software. It’s all done now and I even had time to clear out a few of last year’s files.

We had an appointment this afternoon and when it was done we went looking for “something Christmassy” that would serve as a Christmas tree on Texada. We have lovely outdoor trees but I wanted something we could put our gifts under or around. We went to both of our garden centres and came up empty. Although I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, I knew I hadn’t found it yet. I have another idea that I’m going to go with; it will involve some digging out in the shed but I think it will work just fine. No, it won’t be anything like that umbrella tree I had a few years ago, although I still think that arrangement was quite festive.
I’m going to start a new knitting project tonight – mitts for myself! When I was in Mark’s yesterday I looked at their mitts and gloves – $20-$30 seemed too much to pay for the few times I need them. So I’ll dig out one of Mum’s patterns and make myself a pair for much less.