Monday, October 9, 2017
My plan to do a couple of posts from Texada fell apart when I left my iPad sitting on the couch. I know how it happened – I was playing games as I waited for Carola so we could go to the Guild meeting together. She arrived earlier than I expected so when I heard her at the door I jumped up, put down my game and headed out the door. When I got back from the meeting Pat didn’t give me any time at the house before we headed to the ferry line-up. I have to be honest though – I don’t miss being online one bit when I’m over there.

We had a great weekend – a hike, a little bush whacking behind our property, and a bit more settling in. We hung more curtains and a few more quilts; before we can cover any other walls though I need to get busy a make a few. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at the restaurant on Saturday (yes, there is only one restaurant with limited hours) as well as our own turkey dinner with all the trimmings yesterday. We went to the Farmer’s Market on Sunday and travelled down a few back roads on the way home. All in all a very good weekend.
I’m seriously considering heading to the studio on my own next weekend. Pat has a show on Friday but a couple of our Cranberry Hall members are looking after the concession so I don’t need to be around. The Texada Retreat is the middle of November and I think I’d like to try a weekend on my own before then. I’ll see how much courage I have by Friday!
I’ll have supper (sushi – how very West Coast of me!) and then start collecting and packing for the bee tomorrow.