Monday, October 2, 2017
We got the living room set up for the concert, the shopping done, dishes set out and the remainder of my cleaning done this morning – all before the arrival of our performer.
It has seemed like a very long day and even though I’ve had some free time I don’t seem to be getting much done. I worked on some Cranberry Hall accounting; I’m not ready yet for the meeting on Wednesday but I’m getting closer. I need to spend some time on my Guild reports as well because that meeting is on Thursday.
I have my projects packed for the bee tomorrow; I’ll sneak out of the house before nine, probably before our guest is up and about. He was quite happy to know that after his early start this morning (nine is early apparently) he can sleep until closer to noon tomorrow.
Since I wasn’t really settling down to doing anything meaningful this afternoon I decided to start clearing up some of the mess I have. Both rooms are a disaster and it’s going to take more than the rest of this day to deal with it all.