So much to do … so little time

Sunday, August 6, 2017

It took me most of the morning to finish yesterday’s tasks. The show we are watching on Netflix is subtitled so I can’t stitch and watch at the same time. I intended to only watch one, maybe two, shows but the story was nearing its conclusion and it left you hanging after each show so we ended up finishing off the series. I read a bit before turning the light out but my book still wasn’t finished.

So this morning I got up and finished the hand stitching for the binding, the sleeve and the label on my O Canada project. I was on my way upstairs but decided to sit out on the back deck and finish my book first. When that was done I came upstairs with the intention of working on a card before my trip to the library.

But when I saw the mess my desk was in I decided I needed to do some computer and office work. Cranberry Hall papers are sorted, filed and/or shredded. I have a deposit ready for the bank on Tuesday and a pile started for things I will need on the weekend. Then I did some pre-posts for my website and documented my latest project in my project book. It was past lunchtime by the time I finished so we sat on the deck and had lunch.

By the time I came back in after lunch, I had decided that getting another card done was more important than the trip to the Library. But first there were just a few e-mails that needed my attention. I’ve just now left an impromptu Cranberry Hall meeting to discuss volunteers and programming for the two event sights; I was only needed to get in my request for volunteers to help with the concession.

Pat has had ribs cooking in the oven since noon and there is no chance of starting any of my baking today so I’m finally going to start that sewing. I think we are off to the movies tonight.