We’re on our way!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

No doubt by the time you read this we’ll be settled in and having fun at Elizabeth’s. When we travel we usually take either the first ferry or plane out but today we had a leisurely morning and caught the noon ferry. It gave time for Pat to do a bit more business on behalf of Cranberry Hall and I had time to clean out the fridge, water the plants and even add a few stitches to my project.

Thanks to our very reliable taxi drivers (Peggy and Bill) we were at the airport in lots of time and even managed a coffee and doughnut along the way. We seldom stop at Tim Horton’s but when we were there I noticed they were selling a Nanaimo Bar Doughnut – I might just have to try that at some point.

I’m traveling without any stitching this trip – no knitting, no embroidery, no stitching at all! I have plans to stop at a quilt shop and needlework store while in Calgary so the trip home may be quite different. I’m about to check out the book shelf at the Comox Airport – I’ve picked up more than a few books from here in the past.