Sunday, June 25, 2017
I started my morning with a bit of embroidery while I had my coffee. After breakfast I went out to the yard and pulled the weeds that I’d given the vinegar treatment to. The small weeds came up easily but there are some tough dandelion roots that didn’t come out. I’ve sprayed them again so hopefully the vinegar on the roots will finish them off. I pulled a few weeds in the back that hadn’t been sprayed and swept the carport.
After my shower I came up to my studio(s) and finished cleaning things up. My sewing room is more or less tidy but a lot of things from the playroom moved across the hall so the kids would have room to spread out. Everything is vacuumed (and a few things are dusted) so this level is pretty much ready for guests.
I did a bit more stitching before lunch and then after lunch I went back outside and spray-treated the cracks in the driveway. I won’t be here to pull out the weeds but, if the spray works, dead weeds will be more attractive than green ones don’t you think?
I finished the afternoon with stitching. I’m off now to write some Bingo clues so we can play at the beach when the kids are here.