
Friday, June 23, 2017

This morning we loaded up the truck with bags and bags of yard waste and headed out to the dump. It was a messy (and smelly) job but it was good to get it done. When I got home I headed out to cut the lawn and the boulevard. When that was done I decided to clean up the lower front patio so we can get the hammocks set up; that involved cleaning up some stuff that went either to the garbage or the recycle bin. I’ve wanted to try spraying the weeds between the patio blocks with vinegar and, since there was no wind today, I sprayed a test patch. It it works, we’re going to need a lot more vinegar. Now that I’m taking more of an interest in the yard I see things that I previously ignored.

While we had lunch on the deck I told Pat about a Row-by-Row pattern I had that would be perfect for the Cranberry 75th and Canada 150 celebration we are hosting in August. I ran upstairs to get the pattern to show to him and I’ve spent the rest of the afternoon looking for it. I still don’t know where it is and all my searches have been pointless other than to underline the fact that I have too much stuff.

Remember back when I was doing an inventory of patterns, kits, etc. That definitely cured my “need” to purchase any more fabrics or quilting kits. At that time I also made a spreadsheet of where the different patterns and kits were stashed (the cedar chest, the wicker basket, individual bins, etc.). When a quick look through the bins at hand revealed nothing I looked at the spreadsheet; the kit should be in the “Small Projects” bin. It took me awhile to find that particular bin but when I looked at the contents that particular row-by-row wasn’t in there. I’m sure, with Canada 150 coming up, I kept that particular project out so I would “get at it” sooner rather than later.

As I’m moving around the room looking for the pattern I’m doing a bit of tidying up and putting-away; clearly it is badly needed!