Thursday, June 22, 2017
My plan for today was to finish all the sewing I wanted done before our trip. I have enough Bingo blocks done that we can test out the game when the kids are here; the hard part is yet to come though as I need to come up with “Under the Blue/Red/Green/Yellow/Orange” clues. As I was stitching I was thinking about this and because there are 3 kids and 5 blocks I need to be sure that I have enough clues for someone to win regardless of which blocks are in play. I also realized that the blocks (and the quilt when it is done) can work as an “I Spy” game. Hopefully my grandchildren won’t all be teenagers when this particular project is finished!
It didn’t take me long to finish the filing for Cranberry Hall; I could have done it all yesterday. I’m about to go out and make the final deposit before our trip. After that is done I can get the last report ready for the meeting we are hosting the evening after we get home.
I’m counting down to the day we leave but I have so many more tasks to finish before then – prepping some hand work, cleaning my sewing room, and I guess packing should come in there somewhere.
I’m off to a recital tonight. One of the Tuesday quilters, and a regular at our House Concerts, invited me to her recital – she plays guitar. She has been taking lessons for a couple of years and I admire her for continuing to practice (unlike my Ukulele) and for having the nerves to feel okay about performing. I remember my piano recital days – and none of those memories are pleasant!