Back to work

Monday, June 19, 2017

I worked through a few sprinkles of rain this morning but I got another bed cleared. I wasn’t pulling as many weeds today though. We have had some California Poppies in the yard and boulevard and they were about to take over one of the beds. We decided to get rid of the ones in the yard and hope that the ones on the boulevard will remain. It must be the soil on the boulevard because they spread like wild fire in the yard but we are stuck with only a couple of clumps outside the fence. With those pulled out the glads and lilies will have a better chance to show off.

Alyssum is another one of those plants that will take over if we let it. Although I kept a few areas where it can grow and spread, I cleared a lot of it out. The succulents in this bed are very happy so, without the alyssum, I think they will take over the space quite quickly. It wasn’t easy “weeding” today as I had to be careful not to knock down any of the tall plants that they were hiding in and around.

I’ve had a busy afternoon in the sewing room. I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s bee and I don’t want to run out of projects as I did last week. So, I’ve got a card to do and I have binding and a label to put on a quilt. I’ve redrawn my Bingo quilt and will spend the rest of the afternoon seeing how many more squares of each colour I need. Since I’ll have grandkids here the first part of July I’d like to at least have a top that we can try the game with.

I also need to find myself a new knitting project before we go downstairs to watch TV this evening.