Sunday, April 23, 2017
I had a wonderful time at the Retreat, but I’m exhausted. I didn’t sleep well on Friday night, although the accommodations were fine and I even had my own little room in a cabin that slept 10 but we only put five into. At 2 AM I was still awake so wandered outside to the porta-potty (no bathroom inside the cabin) but that didn’t help; at 3 AM I put on an extra sweater thinking maybe I was cold (although I didn’t feel cold). I was awake again at 6 AM but stayed in bed as I knew the coffee wouldn’t be ready until seven. Last night I slept much better and tonight I may fall asleep before my head hits the pillow.

Last retreat I was heads-down busy with Christmas cards and didn’t participate in the Friday Night Project, which usually takes me Friday night and at least a part of Saturday morning to finish. Not only did I participate this year but I finished it on Friday night.
I finished off four cards (which I can’t show you yet), but only two Leader and Ender blocks.
One of the UFO’s I took was this Block of the Month from last year at the Guild. I made good progress but I’m not sure how much I like it. There are still some borders to add and, I must admit, seeing it in a photograph looks better to me than when I lay it out. Definitely not my colours. Are they yours?
NOTE TO SELF: Next year don’t pack so darned much stuff.