Saturday, April 15, 2017
It feels like Sunday today; that’s good because I want to get back into my Sunday cross-stitching and I haven’t got there yet today. We went to Magpie’s Diner for breakfast and were early enough to avoid the rush; by the time our order came there was a line up at the door. We drove home in a few spits of rain but it has turned out to be a lovely afternoon.
Pat had a guitar workshop in the early part of the afternoon and, while he was away, I went out to find a birthday cake. It wasn’t what I planned but I came home with a Black Forest Cake; not my favourite but it came to mind because Madison had one to celebrate her birthday. We each had a piece when Pat got home; we’re going out for dinner and a concert tonight so it seemed like a good idea to have cake in the afternoon.

I’ve been further testing my studio arrangement by working on a card. I went from cutting, to sewing, to pressing and back to quilting so I’ve tried almost every combination and I’m still happy with my set-up.

I have one more test to do – I haven’t had a real chance to do paperwork but I have so much more room around my desk that I can’t see how it won’t be improved.