I managed to sell a few items at the show but certainly not enough to cover the cost of the items I purchased.
I had a few sets of these placemats and they were popular.
I sold a set of coasters that I have been carrying around from show to show for a few years. The fabric basket was snatched up by a member before the show even opened; clearly I was tired long before the show because I neglected to take a photo (or I have filed it somewhere that I can’t find it).
On the purchasing side, I went prepared with a list. Sadly a lot of things on my list weren’t at any of the shops in the Merchant’s Mall so I had to substitute with other lovely things!
These threads were on my list, but before the show opened one of our very good quilters brought this book to me and told me I HAD to have it! So I got it.I bought these stacking bowls from the Boutique. I’ll use them by my machine to hold all the bits and bobs (like spare bobbins and quilting pins) that I need handy while I quilt.I was going to buy a roll of batting but this Lynette Anderson pattern came home instead. She is the designer of the quilt I made for Elizabeth.And since I’d made a purchase from everyone else I felt obliged to snap up this deal from the last vendor.
Some of my purchases came from the White Elephant table (by donation).
I’ve got quite a collection of Sun Bonnet Sue patterns but with this book I don’t think I’ll need any more.Plastic canvas (for when Taylor & Dylan come this summer), fabric for my Bingo quilt (red and blue), and neutral (but not dull) fabric for card backs.