Monday, April 10, 2017
To say I am exhausted would not be an exaggeration. I think since Thursday I have averaged about five hours of sleep each night, and at least one of those nights I was battling a stomach bug (or just a case of being over-the-top tired).
Friday was set-up day and I was at the hall by eight in the morning. My first job for the show was to get the coffee and tea on for the crew who would start to arrive around 8:30. The Boutique check-in didn’t start until ten but up until them I was shifting tables, moving chairs, sorting quilts and helping out wherever I could.
We only had 14 people with items to sell in the Boutique but some of those members had up to six pages (with 18 slots on each page) of items that each had to be numbered and checked-in. It didn’t help that we had one member (with six pages) who didn’t show up until after noon (which was supposed to be the cut-off); she didn’t have her items tagged or her inventory sheets written and, as you can imagine, her name was mud for the rest of the weekend.
After check-in was done we had to wait until the sales tables were draped (to make them look pretty) before we could start arranging the items for sale; I made a quick trip home to bring some baskets to corral some of the smaller items. We finished setting things up about 2 PM but I had to wait until the Merchant’s Mall was more or less finished so I could clean up the tea and coffee (we needed the urns for the House Concert on Saturday). I wasn’t home until about 5 and then I had to make some last-minute changes to my transportation list as the numbers kept changing for who needed rides to and from the ferries. When that was done I was able to start on my cleaning for the House Concert. I completely ran out of energy about 9 PM and left Pat a few tasks to complete in the morning (and I didn’t particularly care whether or not they got done).
Saturday morning I was at the hall by 9 to do last-minute tags on the quilts that were for sale but were also hung in the show. We were open for business by 10 and the crowds arrived as soon as the doors opened. We were selling steadily all day Saturday; I worked the Admissions table from noon until 2 PM and there was no slow down at all. At the close of the show (5 PM) my Boutique partner and I did some bookkeeping work. I came home, emptied the cash box, and got our float ready for Sunday. By about 6:15 I was finally able to sit down for a sandwich before folks started arriving for the House Concert.
Had the performers not been so great I think I would have resented everyone even being in the house. We had a couple of no-shows so I snagged quite a comfy chair in one of the corners for the first half of the show. There was no way I could trust myself to sit there for the second half as I was afraid I would fall asleep; I sat on a stool in the corner of the kitchen. After the concert I did as much clean-up as I could and then ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher. Although I wasn’t adding much to the conversation I sat up with Pat and our guests until about 11:30; once one of them headed to bed I felt it was okay for me to do the same.
Sunday wasn’t as busy at the show but it never is. I was in the Boutique for two shifts and did a mid-afternoon shift at the raffle table. It was a scramble after the show to get all the items that didn’t sell checked out of the Boutique, a job that wasn’t made any easier by the crew taking down drapes, quilts and quilt stands. It was after 6 when I got home and I can assure you I didn’t do anything for the rest of the evening. I had an early night and felt ready to get up at 6:30 this morning. I may not have been as rested as I thought though; I caught myself putting the cream for my coffee into my water glass!
My Boutique partner and I met this morning to finish the bookkeeping and sort out the money. We panicked a bit on our first run-through as we were “out” by a lot of money. However on the 3rd time through we had everything sorted out and we balanced. We were both a little giddy when we realized we didn’t have the shortfall we thought we did; neither of us know why or how it eventually worked out but we decided not to try to figure it out.

As I was packing up to come home from Kathleen’s she gave me this lovely bag in thanks for all of my help. Aren’t I the lucky one? Oh, and speaking of luck, I almost forgot for a second time. I won one of the raffles for a bundle of fat quarters; when they announced me as a winner I was involved with sorting out the Boutique and it wasn’t until I got home and was sitting in the chair that I realized I hadn’t gone to the prize table to pick up my bundle. I’ll get it tomorrow at the bee.
For the rest of the week – or for as many days as it takes – I’ll put up some photos from the show.