Party tonight

Thursday, February 16, 2017

I skipped the very first film of the Festival yesterday morning. There was very little information about it and the little I knew told me that it was a series of short films. It didn’t sound all that interesting so I chose to stay at home. I worked on a few Bingo blocks but spent the afternoon hand stitching bindings, sleeves and labels on a couple of my quilts.

I’m missing the film tonight too because it is the Guild’s 30th Anniversary dinner. I think it will be fun but I also would have liked to have seen the film, Almodóvar’s julieta, based on an Alice Munro short story.

Star of the East (Mariner’s Compass)

Instead, I’m getting dressed up (dress, nylons, new boots) for a catered dinner and trunk show. We were asked to bring one of our oldest quilts. I’ll be taking my Mariner’s Compass, from the first quilting class I took at the Guild.