Wednesday, November 9, 2016
It has taken a few days to get back into the routine of “life after the show”. It was a wonderful few days spent with Stacia and Deloise; we could have enjoyed our visit anywhere but the fact that it happened at an International Quilt Show made it so much better. Even Alex was impressed when I told him the vendor area was the equivalent of nine (yes 9) football fields. No wonder we had trouble keeping our purchases under our allowable limit for getting back into Canada duty free!
The quilt exhibits were absolutely amazing; it was like walking through an art gallery. They were so amazing that I was able to enjoy them for their beauty knowing that I would never make anything that came close to their beauty. There were a few favourites though and I did get some ideas from them. We saw demos and tours by some of the exhibitors, and I can’t even begin to describe the samples we saw in almost every vendor’s booth.
It was interesting that all three of us were drawn to the same vendors. My purchases were mainly kits for wool felt embroidery and “regular” embroidery (no doubt a reflection of the redwork class I just finished). There were a few new tools that came home with me, and I have a couple of new techniques that I’m anxious to try. There is no way I can show you my purchases, but here are just a few of my many favourites from the show.