September 21, 2016
Thank you for all your good wishes for my birthday yesterday. A week ago Pat asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday; Tuesdays are generally my day for sewing but I said if it was nice I’d like to go for a drive. That could be taken as not much of a day out as we only have about 30 km of road either north or south of town. The sun was shining and we headed out in the late morning. We drove out as far as Saltery Bay (the ferry terminal to Vancouver) and then wound our way back through some side and back roads. We found a couple of beaches we weren’t familiar with as well as a new section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. The only thing that was missing was wildlife – I would have loved to have seen a bear somewhere in our travels.
It was back to reality today as I started some laundry and cleaning in preparation for our House Concert this weekend. Between loads I’ve worked on my birthday banner for the care home. Parts of it are working out as planned, but I’m having to re-design as I go along. I wondered how I would attach a sleeve for the photo but got that figured out. All was well until I got too close to the vinyl with my iron; that was my first bit of re-designing.
The top of the banner is finished and I have figured out a method of attaching the see-through sleeve (at the end of the project). The borders on the bottom were going to be much wider than I wanted so I’ve decided to do some pinwheels on either side of the photo. I may get to some of them yet today.

One of my cross stitch groups started a Stitch Along today and I have my project prepared. I’ll take it to Portland with me; I probably need to extend my stay by a few weeks if I hope to get all the stitching done that I’m taking!
Movie night again tonight!