Saturday, September 10, 2014
I received word yesterday that the flight I was booked on from Houston to Calgary had been changed and the new flight they booked me on didn’t work for the two other flights I had that day. I spent a lot of time trying for figure out options that would cost me the least amount of money in cancellation fees. When I called Air Canada to make my changes it was a 40 minute wait – with no Call Back option. Finally, after much to and fro, I got flights settled. As much as I like to discredit Air Canada they did their very best to sort out my problem at the least cost. I’m now booked with United Airlines and Air Canada into Vancouver, via Calgary, and I can still make my late afternoon flight to Powell River. WestJet were very accommodating as well on the cancellation and I have nearly $200 to spend on a flight within the next year.

The rest of my day was spent working on my Farmer’s Wife Sampler. All day, and I have only one block to show for it! I knew this particular block was going to be a tough one and it didn’t disappoint. I pieced the centre and then started paper-piecing the corners – and I ripped them out, and I paper-pieced some more, and I ripped out some more. Finally I got the right colours in the right spots and then added the diagonals. Putting the pieces together was also a challenge because it involved four Y-seams – not my favourite or my best.

Imagine me dancing down that Garden Path at the end of the day when the block came out to the right size.
Oh crap! I see that one of those triangles is going the wrong way. I take back that happy dance and I’ll figure it out another day. It isn’t the first block that I’ve got marked for a redo.