A couple of misses

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

SW_AugustI really wanted to get my stack of cards finished today but I didn’t manage it. I have a stack of hand stitching to do, two tops done and another top that I didn’t even get started. I’m not sure why I didn’t get them all done, but I do know there was a flurry of Cranberry Hall e-mails this morning that distracted me. By the afternoon I was making some really dumb mistakes and, had I called it quits earlier, I might have managed to get closer to meeting my other goal.

My cross stitching goal for August was to have all but the backstitching done on this. I almost made it and I’ll add it to my September goal which was to get this panel finished (I still need to do the charms). On the positive side though I was very pleased that the lines across the bottom and down the right side lined up!