Keeping my eye on the ball

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I came upstairs to my studio just in time for the live feed (from Montenegro) of Brody’s water polo match. Sadly Canada didn’t come out winners but there is another game tomorrow and, if I did the time change right, I’ll be able to watch it as well. The stands from the camera angle looked absolutely empty but I could hear some cheering and I know Kevin and Tracie (and maybe Josh) were in attendance. In fact at one point I’m sure I heard “Go Saskatchewan”!

Because I had such a productive day yesterday I decided to slack off a bit today. Last week I did four Farmer’s Wife blocks so I thought if I did three today I’d be done early. Maybe it was because I was spending too much time watching the game but the first block took the entire morning. The blocks in the afternoon went a bit faster; number two was done just past two and that seemed too early to quit so I moved on to the third one which I’ve just now finished.

I want to continue with these blocks but I’m in no hurry. At one point I hoped to show the quilt in our spring quilt show but now that I’m working on I’m a Farmer’s Daughter I think it would be fun to display them in the same show. I won’t take the Farmer’s Wife out of rotation, but if I have to use my Saturdays to finish other projects it won’t matter.

One of the cross stitch groups I follow on Facebook just announced a new SAL (Stitch-Along); the theme is to be Hallowe’en or Fall. I’m sure in the many, many books and leaflets I have I can come up with something that fits the criteria. I just need to remember to keep it small!