This was a productive day

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I made great progress on my cards today. I have four done; two of them are quilted and just need binding added. It certainly helped to have four patterns printed and fabric chosen. I may be on to something with this prep day. I’m still not done September cards though so I can’t ease up just yet.

I signed up for a class at the University this morning – no, I’m not looking to advance my career but they are offering a course called The Contemplative Stitch Series. There are a total of five classes but I’m only interested in one – Boro and Sashiko – I guess that is two but they are both taught in the same session. Luckily I was able to register for just the one class. Boro embroidery appears similar to the Sue Spargo stitches I’ve learned but a refresher will be good since I haven’t finished the project I started with that class.

Tomorrow is office day and it would be wise to use the rest of the afternoon to get a head start – I know there is a lot of Cranberry Hall work to do. But wise is seldom the most fun so I think I’ll grab my book and read on the back deck until dinner.