Set for the week

Monday, August 22, 2016

Today was a prep day and I’ve got enough kits put together to last me several weeks.

I packed my Best Press so I’m set to go with my Celtic Crystals tomorrow. I also kitted up another placemat that will be a quick finish. Wednesday is for cards and I have four of those kitted – I’m still working on the September list so I’m not ahead of the game yet. I’m way ahead on my Farmer’s Wife plans; I printed the paper-pieced patterns for seven more blocks and pulled fabric for each of them. At best I can get three done on a Saturday so I can probably skip them next prep day. I got the basting stitches all removed from my Blossoms and hope to finish the appliqué on Sunday.

I’m determined to make Finish-It-Up-Friday work. Although I didn’t look in the bin my plan is to get at least one more top ready for quilting; I know I have a couple of quilts in there that just need the border added. If I decide to quilt my projects from France I’ll have to make a trip to the fabric store – never a chore! Once my Blossoms are finished I will set aside Friday, Saturday and Sunday to quilt. Some of the projects are small and once I get at them they will probably be easy enough to get done in a day. For the larger pieces, once I start quilting, I don’t want to be interrupted with other projects so I may have to skip my Farmer’s Wife blocks for a week or two.

On top of all that I managed to sort through some scraps; some got cut into smaller pieces, some were cut for my Leader and Ender project, and some went into a bag to give to Carola. She uses the tiniest scraps to make crumb quilts!

I think I’ll do a bit more hand stitching before supper. I finished up a knitting project so I’m back to basting pieces for I’m a Farmer’s Daughter in the evenings.